Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It's the real thing

Yesterday some kind of noxious bomb left over from the war went off in the hills outside Da Nang. A family we know well with three small children lives in a community half a mile from where it detonated. The mother described the experience as " it had sucked all the oxygen out of the air." Some acrid substance in the air made their lungs and eyes burn. Their infant nearly stopped breathing. She took all her kids on the motorbike and headed for town. People in the neighborhood were breathing though wet towels and trying to find a place with clean air. This morning the family's pet bird was dead.
At moments when life here feels secure, a place devastated by war only a few generations ago, things remind us of the suffering that so many went through. Praise the Lord that today it is only a lingering memory and peace and health are the norms.

On a lighter note:
Our phone was been dead for several days. The man who came to fix it on Monday said a mouse had chewed through the line, so he stuck a new wire out the window and around the outside of the house instead of through the wall.

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