Today the power turned off at the school at 4:30—about the time students begin to trickle in for 5:30 classes—and was out for about hour. Same thing happened yesterday, which is the funny thing, from about 5:30 to 6:30. The kids poured out of the dim school lobby onto the sidewalk, full of energy, and we rounded them up into a big circle. We sang and danced tried to entertain. Two men in hardhats, orange suits, and sandals showed up on a motorbike and got to work on the transformer outside the school. Just at dusk, *click* an hour later, the school lit up again, and the children rushed inside up the stairs, screaming with joy.
nice posts. its good to read a few reflections. and it was good to get another mass email! as i was reading the suitcase story, i was thinking about how you have been there long enough to become acquainted with the language and how neat that is. i can't wait to get into some chinese!
actually, yes, the two girls going with me are good friends of mine. i have also been corresponding with a couple of the teachers already there on facebook...i got their names off the school's website.
too bad all of this is so last minute, cause it would have been neat to stop in VN for a visit on the way.
It is great to see your work there. Are you doing a good job. Those children are wonderful.
I think you are enjoing very much with they. How God said ,,Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them;for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14
I will pray for your work there and every need what you said in your mail.
God bless you and make you wise and strong in all activities what are you doing there for HIm.
This picture definitely looks like the hokie pokie. Are they putting their left foot in?
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