Everyone has asked, "In U.S. you have teacher's day also?"
So...why don't we? I wonder.
Since my last post I have started two new classes. One is a group of three teens, two of which are preparing to go to high school in the States. Another is a course with the middle-aged younger kids. So that puts me at a full schedule, six classes and sixteen hours of teaching per week. I'll need to work on long-term planning. Now that I'm teaching everything from the six-year olds to the parents, it's a great opportunity to get a taste of teaching different ages.
Hai closed the school for Teacher's Day and on Sunday took us, the school staff and his family to Hue for the night. We saw some sights, but mainly enjoyed the time to be together outside work. It was a blessing.
Hope you all have a safe Thanksgiving holiday togather and with your hosts/hostesses.
yay! flowers! i'd like to hit some of those flower stands and see the different designing styles over there! did y'all get to cook up anything good for thanksgiving?
I think everyday should be teachers day in the US. maybe teachers would finally get their well-deserved respect.
you don't look like you have changed at all really, from your picture.
i hope your Thanksgiving went well.
Been a while since I've looked at your blog...can't believe christmas is just around the corner. Yes, teacher's day is quite a big occasion here as well. I believe we get the day off. I can't remember from last year. I was showered with rather lovely gifts or flowers. It was completely unexpected when I got all the stuff last year. I think our version of that lovely holiday comes in May. I also hope you had a nice Thanksgiving...did you get creative?? We had a lovely group effort here among my american coworkers and we served american style thanksgiving to our 8 Korean coworkers. It was a lot of fun but very challenging to find ingredients. We subbed chicken for turkey. Hope things are pretty over there in Vietnam for Christmas...if I remember correctly it was beautiful. I can't believe it was almost a year ago I traveled to Vietnam for vacation. The new year celebration stuff is quite elaborate as well. I will respond to your last email...eventually. This teaching thing keeps me mighty busy and I know you understand.
Take Care!!! and Merry Christmas
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