Saturday, January 13, 2007

Class photos

Hello all!
Here area few shots of me with some of my classes, dating from a few months ago up to a few weeks ago. I hope they'll help fill in some of the the gaps in imagination.

My youngest class. English names: front row L to R- Robert, Oliver, Rick, Adam, Peter. Back row: Ellie, Becky, Abby, April, Kristen, Beth. (What was I thinking wearing that tie and shirt?)

Heavy anticipation: "How fast did we go around the circle?"

Singing the ABC Jingle Bells at a parents' meeting. I hope I'll have a video clip posted soon. They sounded pretty good! English names L to R: Catherine, Amanda, Meg, Julie (back), Daisy, Travis, John, Sarah, Katie, Kyle.

Checking worksheets in my older class.

Giving "Adam" his certificate.

Teaching these kids I've experienced a sort of pride and attachment that I imagine is similar to parenthood. There has been plenty of frustration, tiredness, discouragement--and still some moments are. "Look at the big picture" a voice reminds me. This is definitely worth it.